Privacy policy

Last updated:May31, 2022

ASRITis committed to maintaining your confidence and trust with respect toyour privacy. This privacy policy explains how we collect, handle,use andprocesses data your personal information.

About ASRIT privacy policy

This privacy policy applies to our websites, apps and other services, includingASRIT’s INITIATIVESandevents thatrefer or link to this privacy policy.Additionalprivacy statements, terms or notices provided to you as a user, may supplementthis policy.

This Policy provides information required under the General Data ProtectionRegulationand “La Commission Nationale de contrôle de la protection desDonnées”(GDPRandCNDP), including:

  • Personal Data we collect
  • How Personal Data willbe processed and the legal basis for processing
  • With whom Personal Data will be shared
  • Retention of your Personal Data
  • What safeguards are in place to protect your Personal Data
  • Your rights with regards to your Personal Data
  • Where to address your questions or complaints

We collect information about you in three ways: directly from your input, fromthird-party sources, and through automated technologies.

The types of personal information that we collect directly from you depends onthe content and featuresof the Service you use and how you otherwise interactwith us and may include:

Contact details, such as your name, email address, postal address, phonenumber and social media;

Account login credentials, such as usernames and passwords, password hintsandsimilar security information;

Other account registration and profile information, including educational,professional and other background information, such as your field of study, current position, practice area and areas of interests, gender, ORCID IDandphoto;

Content that you upload and share or store in your account, such as annotations,comments, contributions and replies;

Payment information, such as a credit or debit card number, and government-issued ID numbers;

Information that you communicateto us, such as questions or information yousend to customer support;

Computer, device and connection information, such as IP address, browser typeand version, operating system and other software installed on your device,unique device identifier and other technical identifiers, error reports andperformance data;

Usage data, such as the features you used, the settings you selected, URL clickstream data, including date and time stamp and referring and exit pages, andpages you visited onour websites or apps;

For educational Services, the course modules and test questions you view,answer or complete; and/or

For location-aware Services, the physical location of your device.

We collect this data through our servers and the use of cookies and other technologies. You can control cookies through your browser’s settings and othertools. However, if you choose to block certain cookies, you may not be able toregister, login, or access certain parts or make full use ofour websites and apps.For more details, visit the cookie notice of ASRIT.

The information collected may be used byASRITfor the purpose of providingyou with the content you request, operating and improving theASRITapps andwebsites, fostering a positive user experience, and delivering the products andservices that we offer.

We may also use the information we gather to inform you of other products orservices available fromASRITor to contact you about your opinion of currentproducts and services or potential new products and services thatmay beoffered.

We may use your contact information in order to send you e-mail, postal mail,or other communications regarding up dates from ASRIT, such as Job Alerts newsletters, new opportunities, and additional listings, which may be of interest to you. We may also use it to send you information about third-party products and services that match your interests and preferences, if you opt in for this communication. The nature and frequency of these messages will vary depending upon the information we have about you. In addition, at the time of registration services, you have the option to elect to receive additional communications, information, newsletters, and promotions relating to topics that may be of special interest to you.

We retain indefinitely all the personal information we gather about visitors or subscribers as necessary to fulfill our contract with you. We retain indefinitely certain anonymized information we gather about visitors or subscribers for the legitimate purpose of performing website analytics and providing use of our website to all visitors in an efficient, practical, and relevant way. If there is no legal basis or other requirement for keeping your data AND after there has been no activity from you for twenty(20) months, your data that is no longer required will be purged.

We do not share or disclose your personal information to third parties except asset forth below:

Technical information: With web hosting and other technical service providersfor the legitimate purpose of hostingour web servers and ensuring information security for our networks.

Contact information: With consultants and vendors for the legitimate purpose of providing customer support and marketing assistance.

Credit card information: With credit card processors for purposes of processing credit card transactions.

In addition, we disclose personal information if legally required to do so, if requested to do so by a governmental entity, or if we believe in good faith that such action is necessary to:

  • conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process;
  • protect the rights or property ofASRIT;
  • prevent a crime or protect national security;
  • protect the personal safety of users or the public.

If you post any personal information in public and/or social network areas of the ASRIT, in online forums or chat rooms, the information disclosed may be displayed to other users of these services and may be collected and used by others over whom we have no control. ASRIT is not responsible for the use made by third parties of information you post or other wise make available in public areas of ASRIT. If you remove information that you have made public on ASRIT, copies may remain viewable in cached and archived pages of ASRIT or if others have copied or saved that information.

Your use of ASRIT websites and apps shall indicate your understanding and acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Statement. If you do not agree with all the terms herein, you should not use ASRIT websites and apps.

Where to address your questions or complaints

If you have any concerns as to how your data is processed, you can contact:

Association of Scientific Research, Innovation and Technology


Tel: (+212)661772 103
